Common Problems in Older Florida Homes Buyers Need to Know

Nicholas NolanGuides, Home Buying

Polybutylene Water Pipes ???? Timeframe: 1978 to 1996 PROBLEM Polybutylene is a grey plastic used for water pipes in homes as a cost-saving measure from 1978 to approximately 1996. Pipes made from polybutylene were installed in up to 10 million homes in the United States. Why is polybutylene prone to failure? Manufacturers claim that the majority of leaks occur at joints and unions, which is where a leak would likely appear if a pipe were improperly installed. However, studies have shown certain disinfectants can react with the polybutylene and cause it to flake apart at any location within the …


Nicholas NolanGuides, Guides, Home Buying, Selling

Scaling Down Small Spaces Big Opportunities SCALING DOWN: SMALL SPACES = BIG OPPORTUNITIES Bigger doesn’t always mean better. A large home can be a lot of work. If you find one or more rooms in your house collecting dust, you might be ready for a change. You can save time and money by aligning your space with your needs. Cut down on clutter and invite simplicity in. Read on for:1. Why Scale Down?2. Is Scaling Down Right for You? How to Decide. 3. The Big Benefits of Smaller Spaces.4. Pro-Tips for Scaling Down. Why Scale Down? Are savings and simplicity …